Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Relief Society Activity
Bring your husband so together you can get your household finances in order!!
Come share an appetizer or dessert *on a budget*-try to make it $5 or less!!
Wed. January 13th at 7p.m. at the church!
~nursery provided~
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
December VT Message
Moroni 7:48: "Pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency: "Disciples of Christ throughout all ages of the world have been distinguished by their compassion. . . . In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance. Let us open our eyes and see the heavy hearts, notice the loneliness and despair; let us feel the silent prayers of others around us, and let us be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to answer those prayers" ("Happiness, Your Heritage," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2008, 119, 120).
Barbara Thompson, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency: "We need to rescue 'all that is finest down deep inside of [us]' so that as daughters of God we can do our part to build the kingdom of God. We will have help to do this. As Joseph declared, 'If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates.'
"Let us bear one another's burdens, mourn with those who mourn, comfort those who stand in need of comfort, and thus keep the covenants we have made [see Mosiah 18:8–10]" ("Now Let Us Rejoice," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2008, 116).
How Can I Nurture through Compassionate Service?
D&C 81:5: "Succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees."
Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "The Good Shepherd said, 'Feed my lambs.' (John 21:15.) So a woman feeds her loved ones, providing succor and sustenance just as the Savior would do. Her divine gift is to nurture, to help the young, to care for the poor, to lift the brokenhearted.
"The Lord said, 'My work and my glory [is] to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.' (Moses 1:39.) So His devoted daughter-disciple may truly say, 'My work and my glory is to help my loved ones reach that heavenly goal.'
"To help another human being reach one's celestial potential is part of the divine mission of woman. As mother, teacher, or nurturing saint, she molds living clay to the shape of her hopes. In partnership with God, her divine mission is to help spirits live and souls be lifted. This is the measure of her creation. It is ennobling, edifying, and exalting" ("Woman—Of Infinite Worth," Ensign, Nov. 1989, 22).
Silvia H. Allred, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency: "The Lord has blessed women with divine attributes of love, compassion, kindness, and charity. Through our monthly visits as visiting teachers, we have the power to bless each sister as we extend our arms of love and kindness and give the gifts of compassion and charity. . . . It is my prayer that we will pledge an increased commitment to extend our arms of love and compassion to bless, help, and strengthen each other as we go about doing our visiting teaching with a willing and joyful heart" ("Feed My Sheep," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2007, 113, 115).
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ward Christmas Party!
December 19th at 6PM at the Church
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Stop & Drop Shower for Almeda Macaraig!
Let's shower some love on Almeda and her 1st baby girl, Isabel!
Please have your gift to Becca by 6:30 on Thurs. the 19th and she'll drop them at Almeda's or feel free to carpool over to show some love in person! If you'd like to give money, we'll pool it together and get a gift card. Please have money to Becca by Mon. Nov. 16th.
Date:Thursday, November 19th, 6:30pm
Location:Make a "stop" at Becca's and "drop" at Almeda's!
Monday, November 2, 2009
H1N1 Vaccine
The H1N1 flu vaccine is just for high risk people at this point due to limited avail: kids age 2yr-24, pregnant women, people with chronic health problems, people with kids under 6 months of age, (see govt website for complete list). This was not very well advertised, so I thought you all might want to be informed!
Robin Williams
Update 11/3:
someone tried to get the vaccine today, and they have already run out! have people call before they go, or check other local county health care clinics.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Save The Date
November Calendar
11/10 Girls DAY at Chelsea Idais' Home 10am
11/12 Activity Days (8-11 year old girls) 4:30-5:30 at the church
11/18 Reader's Group-7pm at Linda Poynter's
11/19 Back To Basics-1:00pm at Charlene Terry's Home**
11/21 Ward Temple Night 6:15pm
11/26 Thanksgiving
11/30 DI Assigment 9AM
**Please note that this date has been changed from the original date as posted in the newsletter that went out on the 1st!
November VT Message
The talks can be found:-in the Ensign and Liahona-on,
OR at church on the Relief Society table, there is a preprinted copy for you.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Looking for work??
Sunday, October 11, 2009
TLC-New group :)
Thursday, October 29th!
Meet at the temple for the 9:30am session-then to Applebee's for lunch afterwards!
Be sure to call the temple and reserve your session!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
October Calendar!
10/21 Reader's Group at Jeanie Ross' Home 7PM
10/22 Activity Days (8-11 year old girls)-6-8pm at the church
10/24 "Souper Saturday" at 9am-5pm
10/26 Mommy & Me Halloween Party at Kristen Stubbs 10am
10/27 Girls DAY in at Jeanie Ross' home 10am
10/28 Girls Night In-7pm At Brenda Bentley's home
10/29 TLC (temple-lunch-chat)-9:30 am session and Applebees for lunch afterwards!
10/31 Ward Halloween Party 6pm
Friday, October 9, 2009
I received the following website information from a sister in my ward: Apparently, you can order $100 worth of groceries (frozen items) for $30 on this site. The food is ordered online by a certain date and then is delivered at the end of every month to a local location. In Yucaipa, it is delivered to the Lutheran Church at 34215 Avenue E, Yucaipa. I looked at the website and it looks legitimate. I thought it would be worthwhile to send to you. Please share the information as you feel inspired. This might be helpful for families on tight budgets right now.
Thank you!
Ranelle Curtis
***FYI! There are pick ups in our area! At Cherry Valley Bretheren Church as well as Mountain View Middle School.
Free Day at Disneyland for doing service!
Starting January 1st, sign-up to do volunteer work through Disney's website and receive a free day at the park.
Friday, October 2, 2009
October 2009 VT Message
Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "Reserved by the Lord for this time, [the rising generation] must now be preserved . . . and prepared for their special moment in human history! They have been held back to come forth at this time, but now they need to be pushed forward to meet their rendezvous. . .
"Youth are not unlike prospective converts. There are those critical moments when their souls begin to tilt—toward the Lord or away from Him. These moments of decision cannot always be created, but when they occur, they must not be wasted. More often than not, these moments will occur in quiet and reverent conversation with parents, grandparents, a bishop, an adult leader, or a righteous peer" ("Unto the Rising Generation," Ensign, Apr. 1985, 8, 10).
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Presidency of the Seventy: "Our rising generation is worthy of our best efforts to support and strengthen them in their journey to adulthood. . . . In every action we take, in every place we go, with every Latter-day Saint young person we meet, we need to have an increased awareness of the need for strengthening, nurturing, and being an influence for good in their lives" ("Our Rising Generation," Liahona and Ensign, May 2006, 47).
How Can I Nurture the Rising Generation?
President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008): "Never forget that these little ones are the sons and daughters of God and that yours is a custodial relationship to them, that He was a parent before you were parents and that He has not relinquished His parental rights or interest in these His little ones. . . . Rear your children in love, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Take care of your little ones. Welcome them into your homes, and nurture and love them with all of your hearts. They may do, in the years that come, some things you would not want them to do, but be patient, be patient. You have not failed as long as you have tried" ("Words of the Living Prophet," Liahona, May 1998, 26–27; "Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley," Ensign, July 1997, 73).
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president: "To nurture means to cultivate, care for, and make grow. . . . Nurturing requires organization, patience, love, and work. Helping growth occur through nurturing is truly a powerful and influential role bestowed on women" ("Mothers Who Know," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2007, 76, 77).
Barbara Thompson, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency: "As Relief Society sisters we can help one another to strengthen families. We are given opportunities to serve in many capacities. We constantly come in contact with children and youth who may need just what we can offer. You older sisters have much good advice and experience to share with younger mothers. Sometimes a Young Women leader or a Primary teacher says or does just the thing that is needed to reinforce what a parent is trying to teach. And obviously we don't need any particular calling to reach out to a friend or neighbor" ("I Will Strengthen Thee; I Will Help Thee," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2007, 117).
In case you haven't seen this link to the activity packet for this weekend's conference, here you go!
Go to this link, then click on the link by the set of keys. You can print out the whole packet or just select the pages you want.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Baby Shower for Chanelle-Ice Cream Social Style!!
Tuesday Sept 22nd
7PM at Leslie Cammack's home
Hope to see you there!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Crafters Night
Freezer Meals!
Thanks to Ginny Babbitt for putting together a wonderful Sat morning for us ladies!
We put together a freezer meal...yummy lasagna for our families and it was easy too!
We went home to put it in our freezer and when we are ready to use it, we pull it out in the morning to thaw, and then pop it in the oven to cook! They turned out so instant hit in our home!
Ginny even put together other yummy recipes, and tips for making freezer meals.
Thanks so much for all your research and hard work that day! Extra copies of the recipes and tips at church!
Here is the Lasagna recipe!
Lasagna Recipe
(for the Freezer):
Makes 1 9"x13" or 2 8"x8" pans.
Sauce: (You'll need 3-4 cups)
14 oz. can tomato paste
2 1/2 cups water
2 tbls grated onion
2 1/2 tsp italian seasoning
1 tsp garlic Powder
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Cheese Mixture:
1 cup ricotta cheese
1 cup cottage cheese
2 tbls parmesan cheese
1 tbls parsley flakes
1 tsp salt
1 egg, slightly beaten
4 cups Mozzarella Cheese
12 Lasagna Noodles , Uncooked *
Mix cheese mixture ingredients. Reserve 1c. mozzarella & sauce for the top. Then, make 3 layers of: sauce, noodles, cheese mixture, & mozzarella, repeated 3 times. Finish with sauce & cheese, making sure all noodles are covered. Wrap tightly, label & freeze.
After thawing, bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes.
*The noodles do not need to be cooked, as long as the lasagna will be frozen.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Parent Participation Preschool Information
Yucaipa Adult School offers parents and children the opportunity to participate in an interactive learning classroom. Classes combine a variety of hands-on learning activities; including reading, math, science, music, computers, art, and field trips. This program is for parents of infants to five year old children.
All classes are held at 35948 Susan Street, Yucaipa.
Pre-register at the Yucaipa Adult School Office. TODDLERS 18 months to 2 1/2 year olds.
Day: Mondays, September 14 to January 11, 2010Time: 8:30am to 11:30am
Cost: $60 Cash Only
Teacher: Linda Wallace
Yucaipa Adult School
ContactInformation Page
Yucaipa Adult School
35948 Susan StreetYucaipa, CA 92399
Phone: 909-790-8580
Fax: 909-790-8584
Classes are held at the adult school in Yucaipa. I think this would be a great opportunity for parents, since Beaumont has no formal classes I know of for kids this age. If interested, parents need to call Tanya at the adult school and give them their name and phone #. The class can only happen if 20 parents show up (they have 6 now). Let me know what you think!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
September 2009 VT Message
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (1917–2008) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "Faithful members of the Church should be like oak trees and should extend deep roots into the fertile soil of the fundamental principles of the gospel. We should understand and live by the simple, basic truths and not complicate them. Our foundations should be solid and deep-rooted so we can withstand the winds of temptation, false doctrine, adversity, and the onslaught of the adversary without being swayed or uprooted. . . .
"Spiritual nourishment is just as important as a balanced diet to keep us strong and healthy. We nourish ourselves spiritually by partaking of the sacrament weekly, reading the scriptures daily, praying daily in personal and family prayer, and performing temple work regularly. Our spiritual strengths are like batteries; they need to be charged and frequently recharged" ("Deep Roots," Ensign, Nov. 1994, 75).
Barbara Thompson, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency: "Sisters, now more than ever, we need women to step up and be strong. We need women who declare the truth with strength, faith, and boldness. We need women to set an example of righteousness. We need women to be 'anxiously engaged in a good cause.' We need to live so that our lives bear witness that we love our Heavenly Father and the Savior Jesus Christ and that we will do what They have asked us to do" ("Now Let Us Rejoice," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2008, 116).
2 Nephi 31:12: "Follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do."
How Does Understanding and Living the Gospel Bless Lives?
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency: "As we strive to understand, internalize, and live correct gospel principles, we will become more spiritually self-reliant. . . . I testify as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ that He lives, that the gospel is true, and that it offers the answers to all personal and collective challenges the children of God have on this earth today" ("Christlike Attributes—the Wind beneath Our Wings," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2005, 100, 101).
Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "The plan of happiness is available to all of his children. If the world would embrace and live it, peace, joy, and plenty would abound on the earth. Much of the suffering we know today would be eliminated if people throughout the world would understand and live the gospel" ("Answers to Life's Questions," Ensign, May 1995, 23).
Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "We must live the gospel in such a way that we will have the Spirit to ever be with us. If we live worthily, the Spirit will always be with us. We can then teach by the Spirit. . . . The reason we pray, study the scriptures, have good friends, and live the gospel through obedience to the commandments is so that when—not if, but when--the trials come, we are ready" ("Teaching by Faith," Liahona, Sept. 2003, 10, 14–15; Ensign, Sept. 2003, 20, 24–25).
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Assemblyman V. Manual Pérez (D-Coachella) is hosting the fair with the Riverside County Employment Development Department and Workforce Development Center.
The schedule includes a résumé-writing and interviewing skills workshop at 10 and 11 a.m.
The high school is at 69-250 Dinah Shore Drive.
Information: (760) 342-8047
Job Fair
24820 Las Brisas Rd
Murrieta CA 92562
For more information please call 1-866-837-1537
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Elder Sean Mabey

From Lieu:
Sean was more than ready to go to the MTC on Wednesday. He told us that he didn't want to be late the first day he's there. And of course, we wanted to keep him with us as long as we can......just one more hug........ ;) We did the "Stop, Drop, and Roll" when we dropped Sean off at the MTC. When we came to the curb in front of the receiving building, he was greeted by a host missionary who assisted him through the check-in process. Then two happy and friendly missionaries help Sean take his luggage to his residence room. Since the process was so quick, I only took one picture of Sean at the curb site. See attached picture. Sean will be at the Provo MTC for another 2 weeks. He leaves Provo on 8/25 and he'll be at the Guatemala MTC for another 6 weeks. Sean Provo address:
Elder Sean Mabey
MTC Mailbox 204-0825
2005 N 900 E
Provo, Utah, 84604-1793
You can also go to the website "" to write to Sean for free. They will ask for donation, but you can click "no"
When you're on the screen:
Click "Write a letter" (top left)
Another screen will pop up
Arrow down to Provo MTC
Click on "Write to missionary"
Fill in the necessary information on the envelope
Sean MTC Box # 204
Estimated MTC departure date 0825
Enter you email address (you'll get a confirmation on your email later)
Click "Send letter"
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Walking Group
Jam Night
Hair Bows Galore!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
August Calendar
8/7 Mommy and Me Pool Day 1-4pm
8/12 Crafter's Club 6:30pm at Emily McDonald's home
8/12 Mommy and Me Park Day 10am
8/13 Mommy and Me at Oak Glen Park 9:30-11:30
8 /15 Stake Blood Drive
8/15 Ward Temple Night 6:15pm
8/19 Mommy and Me Park Day 10am
8/20 Activity Days for 8-11 Year Old Girls 4:30-5:30 pm at the church
8/21 Mommy and Me Pool Day 1-4pm
8/22 Back To Basics-Info to follow
8/24 School Starts!
8/26 Mommy and Me Park Day 10am
8/26 Girls Night In at 6-8Pm at Robin William's Home "Desserts are Divine"
8/30 Stake Conference
August 2009 Visiting Teaching Message
Ensign, August 2009
Teach these scriptures and quotations or, if needed, another principle that will bless the sisters you visit. Bear testimony of the doctrine. Invite those you visit to share what they have felt and learned.
Why Should I Continually Seek Spiritual and Secular Education?
D&C 93:36–37: "The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth. Light and truth forsake that evil one."
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president: "The Lord has told us that our time should 'be devoted to the studying of the scriptures' (D&C 26:1) and that 'the Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures are given . . . for [our] instruction' (D&C 33:16). Every woman can be a gospel doctrine instructor in her home, and every sister in the Church needs gospel knowledge as a leader and teacher. If you have not already developed the habit of daily scripture study, start now and keep studying in order to be prepared for your responsibilities in this life and in the eternities" ("My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures," Liahona and Ensign, May 2004, 107–8).
President Thomas S. Monson: "Beyond our study of spiritual matters, secular learning is also essential. . . . I urge you to pursue your education—if you are not already doing so or have not done so—that you might be prepared to provide if circumstances necessitate such.
"Your talents will expand as you study and learn. You will be able to better assist your families in their learning, and you will have peace of mind in knowing that you have prepared yourself for the eventualities that you may encounter in life" ("Three Goals to Guide You," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2007, 119).
How Can I Be a Lifelong Learner?
President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency: "We will have to make some hard choices of how we use our time. . . . But remember, you are interested in education, not just for mortal life but for eternal life. When you see that reality clearly with spiritual sight, you will put spiritual learning first and yet not slight the secular learning. . . .
" . . . And since what we will need to know is hard to discern, we need the help of heaven to know which of the myriad things we could study we would most wisely learn. It also means that we cannot waste time entertaining ourselves when we have the chance to read or to listen to whatever will help us learn what is true and useful. Insatiable curiosity will be our hallmark" ("Education for Real Life," Ensign, Oct. 2002, 18, 19).
Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "A few of the basic attributes needed to become a lifelong learner are courage, faithful desire, humility, patience, curiosity, and a willingness to communicate and share the knowledge that we gain. . . .
"My dear sisters, don't ever sell yourself short as a woman or as a mother. . . . Do not let the world define, denigrate, or limit your feelings of lifelong learning and the values of motherhood in the home—both here mortally and in the eternal learning and benefits you give to your children and to your companion.
"Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human mind, body, and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigorating mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt" ("The Journey of Lifelong Learning," in Brigham Young University 2008–2009 Speeches [2009], 2, 8–9).
Monday, July 27, 2009
Blood Drive
Thank you!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Visiting Teaching Message for July 2009
Ensign, July 2009
Teach these scriptures and quotations or, if needed, another principle that will bless the sisters you visit. Bear testimony of the doctrine. Invite those you visit to share what they have felt and learned.
How Can I Prepare for Temple Worship?
Silvia H. Allred, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency: "The temple is the house of the Lord. He directs the conditions under which it may be used, the ordinances that should be administered, and the standards that qualify us to enter. … Personal worthiness is an essential requirement to enjoy the blessings of the temple. We prepare by obeying the commandments and seeking to do God's will" ("Holy Temples, Sacred Covenants," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2008, 113).
Elder David B. Haight (1906–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "We who would attend the temple must be living in a manner which helps us be worthy to enter and fully partake. … We examine our worthiness to enter the temple in … interviews with priesthood leaders. Our signature, with theirs, on our temple recommend testifies of our worthiness to enter the temple" ("Come to the House of the Lord," Ensign, May 1992, 15).
What Are the Blessings of Qualifying for and Partaking of Temple Worship?
D&C 110:7: "I will manifest myself to my people in mercy in this house."
President Howard W. Hunter (1907–95): "Let us hasten to the temple as frequently as time and means and personal circumstances allow. Let us go not only for our kindred dead, but let us also go for the personal blessing of temple worship, for the sanctity and safety which is provided within those hallowed and consecrated walls. The temple is a place of beauty, it is a place of revelation, it is a place of peace" ("The Great Symbol of Our Membership, " Tambuli, Nov. 1994, 6; Ensign, Oct. 1994, 5).
D&C 38:32: "I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high" (see also D&C 95:8).
Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "The temple endowment blessings are as essential for each of us as was our baptism. For this reason we are to prepare ourselves that we may be clean to enter into the temple of God. Temple work is an opportunity to perform our personal endowments and covenants for the living and also perform these same ordinances for the redemption for the dead. It is for this reason we are instructed in the scriptures to build temples and prepare our lives to be worthy to partake of the sacred temple ordinances and covenants. …"
""The primary purpose of the temple is to provide the ordinances necessary for our exaltation in the celestial kingdom. Temple ordinances guide us to our Savior and give us the blessings that come to us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ" ("Temple Blessings," in Brigham Young University 2005-2006 Speeches [2006], 1, 4).
President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008): "Every man or woman who goes to the temple in a spirit of sincerity and faith leaves the house of the Lord a better man or woman. There is need for constant improvement in all of our lives. There is need occasionally to leave the noise and the tumult of the world and step within the walls of a sacred house of God, there to feel His spirit in an environment of holiness and peace" ("Of Missions, Temples, and Stewardship," Ensign, Nov. 1995, 53).
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Emergency Preparedness Handbooks
Cost $5.75 each (only to cover actual print cost)
To purchase a handbook please see David Fenn Sunday July 5th after Church in the parking lot
California Young Single Adult Conference
California Young Single Adult Conference (for Graduated Seniors class 2009 to age 30)
Aug 8 & 9th @ Riverside Stake Center
For more information, cost & to register; please visit:
Questions please contact David Fenn 951-265-5200
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
From Crafter's Club-White Board and Chalk Board Mat Instructions

Emily has put the instructions on how to make those Fab-o White Board and Chalk Board Mats that we made at Crafter's Club!
Click here to go to her great blog!
Thanks Emily!
Girls Night In This week-Photography

Monday, June 15, 2009
Free Breakfast and Lunch for all children from 1-18 years old
Anna Hause Elementary
Breakfast Only - 9:15am-9:35am
Monday through Thurs.
Breakfast and Lunch-Beaumont High School
Breakfast: 8:00-8:30am
Lunch 11:40-12:00 Noon
Monday Through Thursday.
Recipe of The Week
2 Cans ready to use Cherry Pie Filling
1 can regular 7up (not diet!)
1 (18.25 oz) box white cake mix
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.In large bowl mix well the pie filling and 7-Up. After thoroughly mixed, pour into an ungreased 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Sprinkle DRY cake mix over the top and and very lightly stir ONLY until slightly moistened. Do not over-mix. Bake for about 30 minutes.Cool and serve. May be served with whipped cream if desired.
Need Moving Help!

If you can help can you please call Wayne Hlebasko at 626-485-6811
Thank you!!
Back To Basics

Friday, June 12, 2009
Employment Seminar
Sponsored by BYU Management Society and LDS Employment Resource Services
Irvine Stake Center - 23 Lake Road, Irvine, CA 92606
Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 7:00pm
Keynote Speaker: Hugh Hewitt, Professor at Chapman School of Law and Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host
Featuring breakout sessions in the following six areas:
- Coping with Lay-Off
- High Tech Industry Careers
- Franchising Industry
- Recession Proofing Your Career
- Health Care Industry Careers
- Starting a Home-Based Business
Learn from highly successful experts who will meet with you in small groups to give you specific career path advice.
Please register at: you register, please indicate which break-out session you would like to attend.
Any questions, please contact:
Paul Hoffman - 714-285-0025
Reggie Woods - 949-351-9448
LDS Employment - 714-754-1501
Thank each of you for making the May 23rd prior blood drives a success. One hundred and twelve individuals went to donate and 91 were able to donate from the Yucaipa and Redlands Stakes. Our ward had 11 donors and three other wards had 10 donors. To meet emergency and ongoing patient need, the LifeStream Blood Bank must receive at least 500 donations daily.
I appreciate all the good Samaritans in our ward who are willing to give a gift of life. Thank you to all those who sign up to give and those who have given in the May and past blood drives. Thanks to the following individuals donated May 23rd : Mads Reynolds, James Neilson, Heidi Schemel, Andrew Gardner, Amanda Elswick, Corey Moore, David Woodland, Landy Foster, Baffrey Benfley, Susan Pratt, and Bishop David Hoffman.
The Lord stated that the righteous will ask, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? Or a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? The Lord said, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matt 25:35-40)
The next blood drive is August 15th.
Thank you, Kent Mabey
Friday, June 5, 2009
June Visiting Teaching Message
Sorry about that!!
Participate in Sincere Prayer Ensign, June 2009
Prayerfully teach these scriptures and quotations or, if needed, another principle that will bless the sisters you visit. Bear testimony of the doctrine. Invite those you visit to share what they have felt and learned.
Sincere Prayer Has Strengthening Power
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president: "Think of our combined strength if every sister had sincere prayer every morning and night or, better yet, prayed unceasingly as the Lord has commanded. If every family had family prayer daily . . . , we would be stronger" ("What Latter-day Saint Women Do Best: Stand Strong and Immovable," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2007, 110).
Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–85) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "Prayer changes our lives. Through it we draw near to the Lord, and he reaches out his finger and touches us, so we never again are the same.
"Prayer is a great tower of strength, a pillar of unending righteousness, a mighty force that moves mountains and saves souls" ("Patterns of Prayer," Ensign, May 1984, 32).
Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "Every honest and sincere prayer adds another piece to chain-mail armor. . . . One of the most important ways to clothe yourselves in the armor of God is to make sure that prayer—earnest, sincere, consistent prayer—is part of your daily lives" ("Be Strong in the Lord," Ensign, July 2004, 10).
D&C 112:10: "Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers."
Sincere Prayer Is Holy Communication
President James E. Faust (1920–2007), Second Counselor in the First Presidency: "First, prayer is a humble acknowledgment that God is our Father and that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. Second, it is a sincere confession of sin and transgression and a request for forgiveness. Third, it is recognition that we need help beyond our own ability. Fourth, it is an opportunity to express thanksgiving and gratitude to our Creator. It is important that we frequently say: 'We thank Thee . . . ,' 'We acknowledge before Thee . . . ,' 'We are grateful unto Thee . . . ' Fifth, it is a privilege to ask Deity for specific blessings.
" . . . Sincere prayers come from the heart. Indeed, sincerity requires that we draw from the earnest feelings of our hearts" ("The Lifeline of Prayer," Liahona, July 2002, 62; Ensign, May 2002, 59–60).
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "Meaningful prayer requires both holy communication and consecrated work. Blessings require some effort on our part before we can obtain them, and prayer, as 'a form of work, . . . is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings' (Bible Dictionary, 'Prayer,' 753). We press forward and persevere in the consecrated work of prayer, after we say 'amen,' by acting upon the things we have expressed to Heavenly Father" ("Ask in Faith," Liahona and Ensign, May 2008, 95).
President Thomas S. Monson: "As we offer unto the Lord our family and our personal prayers, let us do so with faith and trust in Him. Let us remember the injunction of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews: 'For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.' If any of us has been slow to hearken to the counsel to pray always, there is no finer hour to begin than now" ("A Royal Priesthood," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2007, 61).
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Reader's Group to resume in July

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Recipe of the Week!
1 medium apple, diced
1-1/4 cups cubed cooked turkey (or chicken)
1 can (8 ounces) unsweetened pineapple chunks, drained
1 cup halved seedless grapes
1/4 cup fat-free cream cheese
2 tablespoons reduced-fat sour cream
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon reduced-fat mayonnaise
Directions: In a serving bowl, combine the apple, turkey, pineapple and grapes. In another bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the sour cream, lemon juice and mayonnaise. Fold into the turkey mixture. Yield: 4 servings.
Enrichment Night!!
Thanks so much and see you there!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Simpson Family needs our help!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Exploding Boxes (from Crafters Club)
Thanks for sharing, Emily!!
Recipe of the Week!
1 (16 ounce) package angel food cake mix
1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple with juice
1 (12 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a large bowl, combine cake mix (without following directions on box!) and pineapple (with juice). Mix until well blended.
Pour batter into prepared 9x13 inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 25 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool.
Serve with whipped topping
Support our Youth -Play Announcement
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Congratulations to James and Kristen Stubbs!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mormon Channel
Monday, May 18, 2009
Recipe of the Week!
1 cup chocolate chips
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Congratulations to Michael and Robin Williams !!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Yucaipa Stake Blood Drive
Volunteer blood donors are needed for surgery and trauma patients, transplant recipients, premature infants, cancer patients, etc. To meet emergency and ongoing patient need, the LifeStream Blood Bank must receive at least 500 donations daily in order to support 175, 000 transfusions annually. LifeStream supplies the necessary blood for most all the hospitals in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
One of these emergency and ongoing patients may be one of our ward members or one of your family members. For example, George Cummings needed an emergency surgery in February, Albert Field had heart surgery in March, the part of March, Becky Foster had hip surgery in April. Three additional members of our ward are having surgery in May, and another waiting for a date. We do not know who and when our family members may need your precious donation of a gift of life. May I thank those who have donated previously. Please sign up and commit to donating Saturday, May 23rd. Bring your neighbors. Thank you.
Kent Mabey
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Share with us any traditions or traditional recipes from your own families!
If you don't have any, look up some new ideas and share those with us.
It is never too late to begin new traditions...
If it is easier, you can email Charlene Terry to get your ideas to us in time.
We are making idea booklets that will be at your fingertips but we need your help...
You have all week, but hurry, we would love to include everyone's ideas!
Thank you!
Recipe of the Week-Crockpot Kalua Pig
1 1/2 tablespoons Hawaiian sea salt (reg sea salt is fine too)
1 tablespoon liquid smoke flavoring
Pierce pork all over with a carving fork. Rub salt then liquid smoke over meat. Place roast in a slow cooker.
Cover, and cook on Low for 16 to 20 hours, turning once during cooking time.
Remove meat from slow cooker, and shred, adding drippings as needed to moisten.
Serve over Rice or shredded cooked cabbage.
A Christopherson Family Favorite :)
Redlands Shakespeare Festival
Friday, May 8, 2009
Join us for an Emergency Preparedness Group!
It is every 2nd Saturday of the
month@ the Yucaipa Stake Center
Marie Lothyan from the 3rd Ward has opened this upfor anyone who would like to come!
Tomorrow we are making...SOLAR BOXES!
Bring the following:
*2 Boxes (one smaller than the other)
*Utility Knife
White Glue
For further questions you can call Marie @ 909-794-8344
This is the last get-together before summer.
The class will resume in September...
We will be making ROCKET STOVES!
We will keep you posted!
Women's Self Defense Night A Success!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Spiritual Thought
We as women and as mothers have a sacred duty to be teachers within our homes.
Robert D. Hales said; "Motherhood is above all a teaching task."How do we prepare for such an important responsibility?
*We need to recommit ourselves to the study of the scriptures
*We need to "liken" the scriptures in our lives and then in the lives of our children
*We need to improve the quality, not the quantity of our study
This will help strengthen us to be ready for those "teaching" moments.
Remember the following...
*Have faith
*Get on bended knee
*Open your scriptures
*Study them
*The answers will come
*The Spirit will guide
Don't forget to get an index card to write down a favorite holiday/family tradition, recipe, tip, or trick of the trade. Look for the cards on the RS Table.
We are putting together some fun booklets that will be at your fingertips