Monday, July 27, 2009

Blood Drive

Please be a good Samaritan by giving a gift of life and hope to one in need. The LifeStream Blood Bank needs over 500 donations of blood each day of the week. LifeStream furnishes the blood for hospitals located in the Inland Empire. For example, Twenty-five-year-old college student, Paul DiLorenzo, was diagnosed with thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder, at the age of one. Paul has received over 2,000 units of blood over his life time and will continue to receive blood every three weeks. Paul and Deena Risch thank you and all who provides them with a gift of life. Deena, a member of the Beaumont Ward, had open heart surgery two weeks ago. We do not know who may need your help tomorrow. It could be a member of your family. Please donate. Place: Redlands Stake Center, 350 Wabash in Redlands, on August 15th
Thank you!!!